Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cedars Jubai Ali Intl Hospital

I just came back from my medical test at Cedars Jubai Ali International Hospital. Above is a photo of a plaster I peeled off from my arm. Can you tell what is abnormal about it? Yes, why is the cotton on the plaster? It is because the nurse who took my blood sample didn't remove the cotton before applying the plaster which is, I understand the right procedure. I observe him and the others, there are quite a few things that they don't do here which is de-rigeur in Singapore.

Today I was there for a medical checkup, tomorrow I know I will go elsewhere if I fell ill. However if what you want is very nice people, chit chat and customer service, they are really quite good.

I am not saying they are incompetent, but I think it is a lot likelier that things will go wrong here.

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