Sunday, July 26, 2009

My final blog entry

We have been back in Singapore for about two months now. For a while I have been thinking about writing my final blog entry. Ann Hussien song (see below) gave me the opportunity.

In the things that are transient and do not matter, Dubai is like Singapore and even surpasses her in some ways. In the things that do matter, Dubai has a lot to catch up with Singapore. Unfortunately after reading the latest survey of the Middle East in the Economist, I am not optimistic. For their sakes, I don't mind being wrong. Forecasting has always been a hazardous art.

Singapore is a paradoxical place, almost completely man-made to be politically correct, but I believe exists and thrives by God's grace. Most of us are very good second class citizens. Quite a few of us tend to forget that if we were to be first class without the foreign talent (many not good anyway but a huge net positive overall) we would be very poor first class indeed. I saw this at first hand in the Emirati-first policies in Dubai. I am afraid they would be sunk for it. If you disagree with me, I recommend Alan Beattie new book, "False Economy: A Surprising Economic History of the World"


charmaine said...

Hey there, I've been reading your blog for some time. I'm overseas as well although not in the Middle East. Just wanted to thank you for the great reads I've had and the thought-provoking entries you've written. Sorry that you won't be posting anymore now that you're home.

Amanda said...

Dhow Cruise Dubai nice i like the contents on this blog.