Sunday, May 24, 2009

Visiting Babu @ Burj Dubai

Yesterday I tried to visit Babu after leaving a remote control for a friend I had forgotten earlier. Babu I was told from numerous emails sent to me works on a crane at the very top the world - The Burj Dubai.

I didn't manage to get up there and I think you can guess why. I was told it was dangerous to approach the top too even on no lightning days. Rumors had it that toilets are not provided at the top.

By the way, Babu doesn't exist, at least not in the cabin up there. One day, when the building of the Burj Dubai becomes a documentary on National Geographic or Discovery Channel, we will get to know who this "Babu" was. Till then, keep your fingers crossed. Let a hundred rumors abound. No worries, the truth up there will be revealed.

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